Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am now in a position where they called it the Peter Principle...or so I think I am......

It's been a good 19 months already since I joined the company and started the working life.

The company's good, I admit....good perks and benefits, great salary and allowances......and they're addressing the work-life balance issue too...well good for them...

Just this stage, I feel that I should grow already, to take up new things, to venture out, to step out of my comfort zone and try something different...

Not still coding, patching, releasing...those are great things too, don't get me wrong.....I feel like I wanna manage, man....u know...train others.....

It's one of those resolution things I made during a training workshop attended last month that made me really really think about myself and where I wanna go and who I wanna be.....

Unfortunately, my skills still mouth still can't shut up at the right time....and my people skills are deteriorating.....

Damn it, what a bad time to encounter all this when they just welcomed me to the team leader meeting......

And there's still so much so much more to learn.....

I'm floating now....need to grow, yet still feeling a sense of arrested development....

I need help.

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