Anyway, 1 more subject to go and then it's freedom!!!
Well not actually, there's still the dreaded final year project...ugh...... :P
I crazy liao! Watched 2 movies back to back with Kien Jean and Eugene !!!

First was "Girl with a Pearl Earring". This is a period piece starring my current fav actress Scarlett Johansson and super cool guy Colin Firth. It's about a girl who was forced to work as a maid in an upper class household to support her own life, who along the way unwillingly, but eventually posed for her master to paint a portrait of her, to the utter dismay of the painter's wife. This was supposedly based on a true story in Holland during 1665, and apparently the painting is also real.
The best thing about this film is the undeniable chemistry between Johansson and Firth. Although the dialogue is quite little and is far and between, the actors' expressions do all the acting. Tom Wilkinson is delightfully enjoyable as the sinister patron who buys Firth's paintings, and Cillian Murphy is also good as usual.
The set design and art direction is damn impressive. You can see all the details quite clearly. The production design team has gone to great lengths to recreate 17th century Holland. A film with solid acting and great artistic set designs.
Overall Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Next up is "Leon" (aka "The Professional"), a 1994 feature from Luc Besson. French actor Jean Reno is a super cool and efficient assassin in the title role. He bumps into Mathilda -- played by then 13 year old Natalie Portman with alarming sexual innuendo and a tendency for violence -- and takes care of her when her family are shot dead by corrupt DEA agents, led by a suave but nasty Gary Oldman (always a pleasure to watch playing near-psychotic villains).
*Warning, SPOILERS ahead*
What the film lacks in action sequences, it makes up by giving us intimate and rather touching scenes between the two leads. The interaction between them is very interesting and sometimes funny to watch, especially when involving Leon teaching Mathilda the art of professional "cleaning" (the lingo for assassination). A lot of the humour in the film are in the black comedy area, so there's some sort of obscenity and violence involved.
Watch out for one very sad and touching scene where Leon confessess to Mathilda about his early relationship with a girl and how it ended up making Leon who he is now. Brilliant moment by Reno. Near the end, I was so deeply rooted in the characters that I can't help but feel sad when Leon took out himself and the Oldman character.
It's rare to find good movie theses days, but Leon is definitely a nice and engaging film with a few interesting characters to hook you in.
Overall Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars
haha, my first two movie reviews, i think i did pretty good. waddaya think? Maybe in the future when i have the time i will do more reviews on more obscure but cool and hip films. (note: only applicable to those who find dramas and quirky films appealing, as my DVD collection consists of mostly indie materials)
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