Wednesday, October 17, 2007


How is it possible that everytime I had planned something in advance, work will always take priority and caused said plan to be void at the very last minute?

I don't mind working on Saturdays.

I don't mind burning the "deserved" comp leave from working on said Saturday.

Heck, I don't even mind working on other issues until my own project got stalled. (not blaming anyone here ok...)

What I mind is, I missed out a WHOLE LOTTA things just because my sense of responsibility takes over my other priorities.

I missed out on basketball practice on Tuesdays. (not that I'm good anyway)

I missed out on CSR activities every time there is there a bloody conspiracy to arrange to put me on duty everytime there is such said activities?

I missed out 2 whole months of movie watching......I am a movie lover, can't help it...

I missed out important family gatherings and makans......

I missed out on friend's birthday parties......

AND I FREAKING MISSED OUT A 10 YEAR REUNION DINNER WITH SECONDARY SCHOOL MATES OK......I was fucking pissed at that...those mates, didn't had the chance to meet since I moved to KLIA...and now...


This job has taught me that in life, there are a lot of compromises....

Just that it's not good to always compromise yourself...

Yeah, it's a selfish thought...I don't care......

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