Wednesday, March 03, 2021


Oh man, the last post was in May 2020 ! I really should write more damnit....

Quick recap:

- Binged a bunch of really quality ViuTV series since《玛嘉烈与大卫 绿豆》within a short period of time. TVB should really step up their game.

- Got a part time contract job as a Google Ads Rater in Sep2020. Looks good to have a side hustle initially but the actual pay is, well...let's just say it's gig economy. Lucky that there's a good resource for some reference and insights within the industry.

- Wifey bought a bike so that we could participate for FIT Japan Relola --- biked so much in Dec2020 my calves went sore.

- Took JLPT N2 exam in early Dec2020 and checked results on 25Jan2021 and I PASSED!!!!!!! (Results could have been better though considering I forgot about time management and didn't manage the last 3 long articles)

- First time went for interview on both Chinese New Year Day 1 and Day 2, spoke Japanese for nearly an hour. IMO it went well, but results still pending. Fingers crossed. 

- On the same night 13Feb, there was an almost 90 seconds tremor across many parts of Japan. This was the longest and strongest tremor we've ever felt in Tokyo and even had to go under the dining table just in case. Found out later that seismologists said this was an aftershock of the 11Mar2011 Tohoku earthquake. WTF.

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